About this Program

Learn about ultrasound principles and operation, including presentations of proper scanning techniques with live model demonstrations of those techniques in this musculoskeletal ultrasound course. Along with a review of sonographic imaging of normal anatomy, there will be a review of pathology encountered followed by personal hands-on instruction in scanning. To complete the MSK ultrasound course, a hands-on lab will discuss and demonstrate interventional techniques. The combined 3-day musculoskeletal sonography training program makes this an effective learning experience to improve the provider’s technical competency and patient outcome.

This hands-on musculoskeletal ultrasound course offers training based on your experience level. Attendees will learn proper MSK imaging techniques for the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee and ankle. Learning is facilitated through an interactive and practical format with the direct supervision of our knowledgeable and experienced faculty.

Select MSK ultrasound courses will offer credits for Athletic Trainers accredited by the BOC (Board of Certification for Athletic Trainers) and for Physical Therapists accredited by the Florida Board of Physical Therapy.

With backgrounds in areas such as vascular sonography, pediatric ultrasound, and sports medicine, the instructors who lead Musculoskeletal Ultrasound courses are experts in sonographic point of care. They are ready, willing, and able to share that expertise with you.

As with all our skill-building opportunities, MTMI is dedicated to bringing MSK Ultrasound courses to convenient locations in your area. Check out the registration options at the top of the page to find musculoskeletal sonography training near you, or sign up for our email list for upcoming training announcements.

Check out our Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Course Resources

What Makes the Best MSK Ultrasound Course?

The best MSK ultrasound course is taught by experienced faculty and includes hands-on scan time with a sonography system, studying relevant joint, bone and muscle problem cases. It should also qualify for musculoskeletal ultrasound training CME credits as accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education so you can increase, develop, and maintain your skills and knowledge set to best serve your patients.

Is MSK Ultrasound Hard to Learn?

The biggest challenge to musculoskeletal sonography training is its fairly steep learning curve. From a working understanding of anatomy to simply knowing where to place probes, developing expertise in musculoskeletal scanning takes time and training. MTMI offers the training and resources you need to succeed. Whether you are new to the field or a seasoned pro, MSK ultrasound courses offers hands-on training opportunities to help you start building—or upgrading—your skills. 



Educational Objectives

At the completion of this musculoskeletal ultrasound course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe scanning techniques for the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee and ankle.
  • Recognize common pathological structures visualized in the joints studied.
  • Demonstrate performance of ultrasound scanning protocols of joints on live models.
  • Perform interventional techniques assisted by ultrasound guidance.



What this course will cover

In this musculoskeletal sonography training program, we pack everything you need to reinforce your scanning expertise and earn your musculoskeletal CME in just three days.

Day One

7:00 amRegistration and Continental Breakfast
8:00 amIntroduction and Announcements ... Lee
8:10 amUltrasound Image Optimization and Knobology ... French
8:30 amNormal Ultrasound Anatomy of Shoulder ... Lee
8:45 amShoulder Live Demonstration ... Medford/Lee
9:05 amQ & A with Faculty and Break
9:20 am

Dual Track
Group A: 

  • Shoulder Hands-On Lab

Group B: 

  • 9:20-9:50 am Rotator Cuff and Other Shoulder Pathology ... Stewart
  • 9:50-10:20 am Shoulder Procedures - Calcific Tendinitis Lavage, SASD Bursa & PRP ... Lee
10:30 am

Dual Track
Group A: 

  • 10:30-11:00 am Rotator Cuff Tears and Biceps Tendon ... French
  • 11:00-11:30 am Shoulder Procedures - Joint, SASD Bursa and Biceps ... Lee

Group B: 

  • Shoulder Hands-On Lab
11:30 amInformal Discussion and Break
11:45 amLunch - Provided
1:00 pmNormal Ultrasound Anatomy of Elbow/Wrist ... Stewart
1:30 pmElbow/Wrist Live Demonstration ... Hendricks/Stewart
2:00 pmQ & A with Faculty and Break
2:15 pm

Dual Track 
Group A: 

  • Elbow and Wrist Hands-On Lab

Group B: 

  • 2:15-2:45 pm Epicondylosis and Distal Biceps Tear ... French
  • 2:45-3:15 pm Common Wrist Pathology ... Lee
3:15 pm

Dual Track
Group A: 

  • 3:15-3:45 pm Epicondylosis and UCL Injuries ... Biswal
  • 3:45-4:15 pm Common Wrist Pathology ... Stewart

Group B: 

  • Elbow and Wrist Hands-On
4:30 pmBonus: Protocols and CPT codes ... Hendricks
5:00 pm Adjourn for the Day

Day Two

7:00 amContinental Breakfast
8:00 amPrinciples and Techniques of Ultrasound Guided Interventions ... Lee
8:20 amNormal Ultrasound Anatomy of Hip and Thigh ... French
8:40 amHip and Thigh Live Demonstration ... Hendricks/French
9:00 amQ & A Faculty and Break
9:05 am

Dual Track 
Group A: 

  • Hip and Thigh Hands-On Lab

Group B: 

  • 9:05-9:35 am Snapping Hip and Groin Injury ... French
  • 9:35-10:05 am Hip Procedures - Iliospoas Bursa, Hamstring, Ischiofemoral Impingement ...Lee
10:05 am

Dual Track 
Group A: 

  • 10:05-10:35 am Common Hip Pathology ... Biswal
  • 10:35-11:05 am Hip Procedures- Joint, Iliopsoas Bursa, Greater Trochanteric Bursa ... Stewart

Group B: 

  • Hip and Thigh Hands-on Lab
11:05 pmInterventional Hands-On (Groups A and B)
12:00 pmLunch (on your own)
1:00 pm

(Optional) Open MSK Scan Lab w/Faculty

1-2 pm - French/Couvillion/Young/Lee
2-3 pm - Biswal/Hendricks/Foellings/Lee
2-4 pm - Stewart/Medford/Lee

4:00 pmAdjourn for the Day

Day Three

7:00 amRegistration and Continental Breakfast
8:00 amNormal Ultrasound Anatomy of Knee ... Biswal
8:30 amKnee and Ankle Live Demonstration ... Medford/Biswal
9:00 am

Dual Track: 

Group A:  

  • Knee and Ankle Hands-On Lab

Group B: 

  • 9:00-9:30 am Extensor Mechanism and the MCL ...Lee
  • 9:30-10:00 am Achilles, Plantar Fascia and Common Ankle Procedures ... Stewart
10:00 am

Dual Track: 
Group A: 

  • 10:00-10:30 am Baker's Cyst and Guided Procedures ... Biswal
  • 10:30-11:00 am Ankle Tendons and Ligaments ... French

Group B: 

  • Knee and Ankle Hands-On 
11:00 amClosing/Adjourn


Who should attend?

With hands-on training, didactic lectures, and practice sessions, this MSK ultrasound course is appropriate for anyone wanting to learn diagnostic musculoskeletal ultrasound to treat patients presenting with muscle and joint pain, including:

  • Radiologists
  • Sonographers
  • Rheumatologists
  • Emergency Physicians
  • Physical Therapists
  • Physiotherapists
  • Athletic Trainers
  • Sports Medicine Physicians
  • Orthopedic Physicians
  • Physician Assistants
  • Nurse Practitioners
  • Registered Vascular Technologists/Specialists
  • Podiatrists
  • Fellows/Residents
  • Others interested in improving their skills in MSK Ultrasound Imaging

Program Faculty

Meet your presenter(s)

Kenneth Lee

Kenneth Lee

MD, MBA - Program Director

Director of MSK Ultrasound at the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics
Madison, Wisconsin

Sandip Biswal

Sandip Biswal


UW Health Radiologist and professor in the Department of Radiology at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. 

Lulu He

Lulu He

Lulu He, DO is a Musculoskeletal Radiologist working for Allegheny Health Network (AHN) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She graduated from the Diagnostic Radiology Residency and Musculoskeletal Imaging Fellowship at The Cleveland Clinic in 2017. Dr. He is the Director of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound at AHN and enjoys teaching and sharing her passion for musculoskeletal imaging with others. 

Zachary E. Stewart

Zachary E. Stewart


Dr. Zachary Stewart is a musculoskeletal radiologist and the director of musculoskeletal ultrasound at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. He is also appointed as an Instructor of Radiology by Harvard Medical School. He completed his fellowship in Musculoskeletal imaging and Intervention at the University of Wisconsin in 2022 under the mentorship of Dr. Ken Lee. Since joining MGH in July of 2022, Dr. Stewart has established busy diagnostic and interventional musculoskeletal ultrasound services, including a weekly ultrasound clinic dedicated exclusively to peripheral nerves.

Dr. Stewart’s primary clinical interests are in diagnostic musculoskeletal ultrasound and image-guided pain palliation. His research interests focus on applications of quantitative imaging, such as shear-wave elastography, improving imaging for foot and ankle diagnostic imaging, and optimizing techniques for interventional pain procedures. He is board-certified by the American Board of Radiology and is a member of the Society of Skeletal Radiology, American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, American College of Radiology, and the Radiological Society of North America.

Christina Hendricks

Christina Hendricks


Christina Hendricks is a senior sonographer from the University of Wisconsin Hospital & Clinics with over 16 years experience in abdominal, OB/GYN, vascular, musculoskeletal, and pediatric ultrasound. She also assists in a variety of ultrasound guided procedures including biopsies, injections, and microwave, cyro, & histotripsy ablations. As a senior sonographer, Christina not only scans patients but also writes protocols, oversees accreditation compliance & quality assurance, educates a variety of students & radiology trainees in all areas of ultrasound, and teaches musculoskeletal ultrasound skills at national conferences.

In her life outside of the hospital, Christina loves domestic travel to many of our national parks to explore & day-hike, as well as international travel, including several volunteer trips to teach ultrasound in low resource settings abroad. She believes it is important to learn about other cultures through experience to better herself as a professional & member of society.

William Medford

William Medford


Business Owner at Bill Medford - MSK Ultrasound LLC

Mary Peters


Sonographer, Clinical Instructor, and Research Sonographer
Massachusetts General Hospital
& Sonographer
St. Mary’s Hospital & Middlesex Hospital
Cambridge, MA

Julie Spransy


University of Wisconsin Hospital
Madison, WI

Dana Rowland


Ultrasound Technologist
Department of Radiology
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI


Accredited training programs

CME Credit Information


The Medical Technology Management Institute is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

The Medical Technology Management Institute designates this live activity for a maximum of 16.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits ™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity

  From ultrasound anatomy of elbows, wrists, and shoulders to using live models for hands-on training opportunities, your MSK Ultrasound courses are designed to help you earn CME to maintain your certifications.
ASRT Category A Credit Information

ASRT Category A

This program provides 18.75 hour(s) of Category A continuing education credit for radiologic technologists approved by ASRT and recognized by the ARRT® and various licensure states. Category A credit is also recognized for CE credit in Canada. You must attend the entire program to receive your certificate of completion.  

BOC Credit Information


MTMI is approved by the Board of Certification, Inc to offer continuing education to Certified Athletic Trainers. 

This program is eligible for a maximum of  16.75 Category A hours/CEUs. ATs should claim only those hours actually spent in the educational program. 


Course location and hotels

Savannah, GA October 10-12, 2025 

Westin Savannah Harbor Golf Resort & Spa
1 Resort Drive
Savannah, GA  31421

Reservations: Click Here
Make reservation by: September 09, 2025
Rate: $289.00 + tax + $33.00 Resort fee per night
Airport Transportation: The Westin does not offer airport shuttle service

Savannah International Airport(SAV) is 15 miles/22 mins 

Course Location:
Savannah Convention Center
One International Drive
Savannah, GA 31421


Note: The Convention Center is located
adjacent to the Westin


Convenient payment options available

AudiencePriceEarly PriceMember PriceMember Early Price
Physician (0-1 year of experience)$1,759.00$1,659.00$1,759.00$1,659.00
Physician (1+ years of experience)$1,759.00$1,659.00$1,759.00$1,659.00
PA, NP, Resident, Fellow or Military (0-1 year of experience)$1,270.00$1,195.00$1,270.00$1,195.00
PA, NP, Resident, Fellow or Military (1+ years of experience)$1,270.00$1,195.00$1,270.00$1,195.00
Sonographer (0-1 year of experience)$1,045.00$970.00$1,045.00$970.00
Sonographer (1+ years of experience)$1,045.00$970.00$1,045.00$970.00
Athletic Trainer (0-1 year experience)$1,050.00$975.00$1,050.00$975.00
Athletic Trainer (1+ years experience)$1,050.00$975.00$1,050.00$975.00
Physical Therapist (0-1 year experience)$1,055.00$980.00$1,055.00$980.00
Physical Therapist (1+ years experience)$1,055.00$980.00$1,055.00$980.00
Technologist (1+ years of experience)$1,045.00$970.00$1,045.00$970.00

Learn about membership

At MTMI, we believe in providing quality care at every point of care. We also believe in making high-quality training accessible for every healthcare professional in need of CME and skill upgrades.

Early Pricing Guidelines

Qualifying 'Early' registrations must be made at least 21 days in advance for the program.

Cancellation Policy

“Hands-On” Courses

Refunds, minus a $50 processing fee, will be granted for cancellations received prior to 10 days before the program. Cancellations received within 10 days of the program will receive a credit toward a future MTMI program, minus the $50 processing fee. No refunds will be made after the program starts. MTMI reserves the right to cancel any scheduled program because of low advance registration or other reasons. MTMI’s liability is limited to a refund of any program tuition paid. MTMI recommends that attendees use refundable airline tickets. In case of cancellation of a program for any reason, MTMI is not responsible for travel costs incurred by attendees including non-refundable airline tickets.