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CT Training Course for Technologists

This is an excellent course for both newly introduced CT technologists and senior CT technologists. I learned so much in 5 days, and I was able to readily apply this knowledge in the clinical setting. As a cross-training RT into CT, I was simply following commands and techniques presented to me by other technologists; but now I know what to look for, why I do certain things, and how to appropriately adjust my protocols as needed.

CT Course

I just finished the CT training course this past week and it was so informative. All of the speakers were great! I just wanted to give you guys an update. On Saturday, the day after the course finished, I took my boards. I PASSED! So, I just want to thank everyone at MTMI for their expertise and willingness to teach! I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season. I'll be sure to come back (looking to do MRI now).

CT Training Course

When Glenn said he hadn't taught since 2015, I honestly was taken aback. He did amazing!!! I am grateful he was willing to take the time to teach and deal with all of us students. There is a shortage of CT techs and it will be courses like this that help to change that!!!


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Accredited by: ASRT, ACCME, CAMPEP, CBRN, BOC and more

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