MR Nuclear Magnetism
- 1.5 ASRT Category A
About this Program
This program will provide an overview of principles of MR Imaging physics and instrumentation, basics tissue characteristics, and parameters and trade-offs. This program was developed to provide you with a thorough overview of the MR techniques and options necessary to obtain high quality MR images
- Laws of electromagnetism
- Paramagnetism
- Ferromagnetism
- Diamagnetism
- Antiferromagnetism
- Magnetic field strength measurements
- Tesla
- Homogeneity, Inhomogeneity
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Fringe Field
- Passive Shielding
- Active Shielding
- Fringe Fields
- Types/Styles of MRI Scanners
- Permanent, Resistive, Superconducting
- Vertical/Horizontal
- Precession Frequency
- Magnetic Field Strength
- Gyro-Magnetic Ratio
- Weighting
- T1, T2, Proton Density
- Pulse Frequencies
- Relaxation
Educational Objectives
At the completion of this program, participants will:
- Understand the creation of the MRI signal, from precession to detection by the RF coil.
- Explain basic tissue characteristics (TI, T2, PD, and T2*) and identify images by these characteristics.
- Describe the various instrumentation systems used in MRI and their purpose, including gradients, radiofrequency, magnet and coils.
How it Works:
- Your On Demand CE activity that you purchased will be located in your “My Account” section once you log into the MTMI Website.
- You have three attempts to pass each quiz.
- You must earn a score of 75 % or higher.
- Credit is recorded the day you submit and pass the quiz and is determined using Central time.
- You have 30 days to complete and pass the quiz.
- Once passed, access your MTMI “My Account” to print your “Certificate of Completion.”
Program Faculty
Meet your presenter(s)

Barry Southers
M.Ed, RT(R)(MR)
Professor/Faculty Instructor/Director
MRI Section - AMIT Program
College of Allied Health Sciences
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH
Accredited training programs

ASRT Category A
This program provides 1.5 hour(s) of Category A continuing education credit for radiologic technologists approved by ASRT and recognized by the ARRT and various licensure states. Category A credit is also recognized for CE credit in Canada. You must attend the entire program to receive your certificate of completion.