Cross-Sectional Anatomy- Chest, Abdomen, & Pelvis
- 1 ASRT Category A
About this Program
These on-demands are ideal for both seasoned and new CT and MRI technologists, who want to enhance their cross-sectional skills. You will learn how to sharpen your ability to identify anatomy in various imaging planes.
Body - Through the use of case studies, participants will be able to describe the abdominal quadrants and regions, as well as identify anatomic structures of the thorax, abdomen, and pelvis. Knowledge of post-processing and special procedures are vital for CT and MRI technologists working in the field, as these skills make them a valuable part of the healthcare team.
Chest Anatomy
- Heart, Mediastinum, Vessels
Abdomen/Pelvic Anatomy
- Quadrants/regions, Organs, Vessels
Contrast Considerations
- Injections, Cardiac Cycle, Bolus timing/rates, IV sites/sizes, Oral - Abdomen/Pelvis
Chest/Abdomen/Pelvis Pathologies
- Trauma, Vascular in Nature, Cancer, Infections, Miscellaneous
Special Procedures
- Biopsies, Tubes/drains
Image evaluation
How it Works:
- Your On Demand CE activity that you purchased will be located in your “My Account” section once you log into the MTMI Website.
- You have three attempts to pass each quiz.
- You must earn a score of 75 % or higher.
- Credit is recorded the day you submit and pass the quiz and is determined using Central time.
- You have 30 days to complete and pass the quiz.
- Once passed, access your MTMI “My Account” to print your “Certificate of Completion.”
Educational Objectives
At the completion of the On-Demand, participants will be able to:
- List the structures of the thorax, and the abdominal and pelvis cavities.
- Describe the different pathological processes that can occur in the chest, abdomen, and pelvis.
- Identify procedures in which contrast agents may be utilized, along with contraindications for its use.
Program Faculty
Meet your presenter(s)

Amber L. Lenhard MBA
MBA, B. A. Humanities; BAS; RT(R)(CT)
Mrs. Amber Lenhard is a former college instructor in Medical Imaging, and prior US Air Force Radiologic technologist. Over the past 12 years, she has used her military training to help instruct and mentor many students within Medical Imaging. Amber has a passion for the field of Medical Imaging and enjoys still being able to work, hands on, in both X-ray and CT wherever she goes. Her husband of 20 years, Keith, is currently on active duty, as a Naval OR Nurse, and together they have two children, Donovan James and Abigail Joy. A fun fact about Mrs. Amber is that she had the opportunity to fulfill a career dream of working with professional athletes. From 2016 - 2021 she was one of the X-ray techs, who alongside the athletic trainers, worked for both the Washington Redskins NFL, as well as the Nationals Baseball teams, and has a 2019 World Series ring.
Accredited training programs

ASRT Category A
This program provides 1 hour(s) of Category A continuing education credit for radiologic technologists approved by ASRT and recognized by the ARRT and various licensure states. Category A credit is also recognized for CE credit in Canada. You must attend the entire program to receive your certificate of completion.