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Frequently Asked Questions

Bone Densitometry

  1. Please contact us at for questions concerning Bone Densitometry. Please include your phone number in case she needs more clarification to help answer your question(s).

  1. Some states require a permit or license for any person performing bone densitometry, some states require only fully licensed radiologic technologists perform Bone Densitometry, and others have no rules for persons performing bone densitometry. It is crucial to find out the rules for your state. You should do so by contacting your state’s licensing agency to avoid breaking any state regulations. ARRT® has links to the state licensing agencies at

  1. MTMI has two courses that provide syllabi to help you study for the BD examination; Bone Densitometry Training Course, and Bone Densitometry Registry Review. Both are offered multiple times per year and are designed around the content specifications of the examinations. The syllabus for each course is an excellent review for studying for the ARRT® (BD) or ISCD (CBDT) examination.

MTMI does not endorse any other books or guides for studying for the examination.

  1. The information to perform bone densitometry is the same no matter which examination you choose to take, so the examination content specifications are similar.
  2. The two credentials require different time frames for CE due dates, different CE requirements, and different number of years between renewals. The information can be found at or

  1. Current ARRT® registered technologists with a primary discipline in Radiography, Nuclear Medicine Technology (or NMTCB registered), or Radiation Therapy are eligible to take the ISCD examination
  2. And meet the structured education requirements of 16 hours (RCEEM approved or ARRT® recognized state licensing agency, or ARRT® recognized agency) of bone densitometry training in the 24 months prior to your application date
  3. Meet the bone densitometry clinical experience requirements in the 24 months prior to your application date. These can be found at
  4. Must meet ethics requirements of ARRT®

  1. Current CBDT,CDT or ARRT®(BD) in good standing
  2. Currently Certified by ARRT®
  3. Or hold an Allied Health Degree & performed 100 central DXA scans, and have 3 months experience performing bone density scans, and attested by supervisor
  4. Or document a minimum of 12 credit hours in bone density, osteoporosis, metabolic bone disease and performed at least 100 DXA scans at two skeletal sites and have a minimum of 3 months experience performing bone density scans, and attested by supervisor


Yes and No. You will be able to perform mammograms on a 2D machine independently as you completed 8 hours of training specific to Full Field Digital Mammography as part of your initial training. However, performing 25 supervised mammograms on 3D machine will not give you your 8 hours of new modality training in 3D. You will need to take an 8 hour course in 3D or obtain 8 hours of documented training in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis at your workplace.

No, performing 25 supervised mammograms will count as 12.5 hours of initial training toward your mandated 40 hours of Mammography Initial Training. However, performing 25 supervised mammograms will not give you your 8 hours of new modality training in the modality you performed your supervised mammograms on. You will still need to take an 8 hour course specific to that modality or obtain documented 8 hours of training in that modality in the workplace.

The number for the ARRT® is 651-687-0048 Mammography dept. extension is 8570

If you were once initially trained under MQSA and either left the field, or lost your legal status, you can regain your legal status by “Re-qualifying” under MQSA rules. You will need to bring your mammography credits up to 15 and perform 25 supervised mammograms under supervision of a legal, qualified mammography technologist. Then you will have 6 months to perform 200 mammograms.

No.  Keep in mind, it is MQSA who requires you perform 25 supervised mammograms and have a 40 hour initial mammography training course before being allowed to perform mammograms independently, without supervision. The supervising mammography technologist does have to be a legally qualified mammography technologist under MQSA. (40 hour course, 25 supervised mammograms, in current legal status)

It is the ARRT® who issues the “M” and that is not legally required under MQSA to have before performing mammograms independently, UNLESS that is a state requirement in your state. Usually, a requirement to have your “M” is a state, or facility requirement but is NOT required under MQSA for the supervising mammography technologist to have her “M”. 

No. Under the Mammography Quality Standards Act, MQSA, your 40 hour Initial Training in Mammography Course does NOT expire.  It is good for your entire career as part of your initial mammography training. However, if you go more than 2 years without performing 200 mammograms, or go more than 3 years without obtaining 15 credits in mammography CEs, you will fall out of legal status as a mammography technologist under MQSA and need to “Re-qualify”. Re-qualification requires that you bring your mammography credits up to 15 and perform 25 supervised mammograms. At this point you are once again a legal mammography technologist and will have 6 months to obtain all 200 mammograms. These 200 mammograms will last for the 2 year period but under re-qualification, you have to obtain all 200 within the 1st 6 months after completing your 25 supervised mammograms. However, even under Re-qualification, you will NOT need to ever repeat the entire 40 hour course, unless you elect to.

Yes, the ARRT® accepts the MTMI 40 hour Initial Training in Mammography Course as meeting the 16 hours of structured education required, as long as you apply for the ARRT® mammography Registry Exam within 2 years of taking the course. If you pass the 2 year mark, you will need to complete an additional 16 structured hours. (If this happens to you, MTMI also offers a 16 hour Mammography Registry Review course that will count as the 16 structured hours needed)

Yes. The only requirement for sitting for the California State Mammography exam is that you are a fully licensed x-ray technologist and have completed a 40 hour mammography training course.

Yes. (Except if you are from California – read below) If you are from any other state than Caliornia, you can complete all of your Clinical Experience Requirements before attending the course as long as ALL 100 of your mammograms you perform are under direct supervision. You can NOT perform any unsupervised mammograms until you have both, your 25 supervised mammograms and the 40 hour course.

***If you are from California, you will not be able to perform any mammograms, even under supervision, until you have taken the California State Mammography exam and passed it, UNLESS, you are in a radiology school program. Then you can complete all of your ARRT® Mammography Clinical Experience requirements and perform all 100 mammograms, as long as all 100 are supervised.

Under the Mammography Quality Standards Act, MQSA, our 40 hour initial training in mammography course does NOT expire. It is good for your entire career as part of your initial mammography training. However, as of January 1, 2016 the ARRT® requires 16 structured hours in mammography education within 2 years prior to applying to sit for the ARRT® mammography registry exam. Our 40 hour course has the 16 structured hours within it. If you apply to take the mammography exam more than 2 years after the course, you cannot use our course as your needed 16 structured hours in mammography.

No, MQSA requires that you obtain 15 credits in mammography every three years. This mammography continuing education can be in analog or digital mammography. There is a one time only need for 8 hours of initial digital mammography training before performing mammography on a digital mammography machine. After the initial 8 hours is accomplished, the required 15 credits in mammography every 3 years can be in analog or digital.

Once you have legally become qualified to perform mammography under MQSA regulations, you need to obtain 15 credits in mammography every 3 years and have documentation of performing 200 mammograms every 2 years in order to keep your qualification.

The FDA Hotline number is 1-800-838-7715.

Under California State law in order to enter mammography after becoming a fully licensed mammography technologist, you need to follow the following steps, in the correct order:

  1. Take an approved 40 hour Initial Training in Mammography Course
  2. Apply for the California State Mammography Exam and pass it
  3. Perform 25 supervised mammograms

If you live in California, the only way you can perform your 25 supervised mammograms before taking, and passing, the California State Mammography exam is if you perform your 25 supervised mammograms outside of the state of Califronia. In this case, you can perform your supervised mammograms before sitting for the California state mammography exam.

If a California resident, you will still need to abide by MQSA and obtain 8 hours of didactic training in any “New Imaging Modality” – see next question.

Yes, as long as you have met the standards defined by the MQSA to perform mammography (See answer to the question "How do I get started in mammography).

No you may sit for the ARRT® mammography boards in the Pearson Vue Testing Center closest to you, even if it is located in a different state.

Click here:



A geographic list of the Pearson Vue Testing Centers is listed in Appendix C of the ARRT® Mammography Certification Handbook.

Once you begin documenting the clinical experience requirements, all of the dates in your dashboard must be within 24 months of applying for the ARRT® Mammography Certification Exam.

No, after completing our course you must perform the clinical experience requirements found in the most current ARRT® Mammography Certification Handbook. These requirements include: performing a minimum of 100 mammograms, performing quality control procedures a certain number of times, observing or assisting in 4 out of list of 9 imaging modalities, sitting with a radiologist for a minimum of 10 screening or diagnostic mammograms and reviewing the most recent Medical Physicist survey.


No, you may attend our course before receiving your R.T. and it will still count toward your initial training in mammography hours once you receive your R.T.

Under the Mammography Quality Standards Act (MQSA) you do not need an “M” to perform mammography independently. You need to be a licensed x-ray technologist who has obtained 40 hours of mammography continuing education and performed 25 mammograms in the presence of a qualified mammographer. (Again, the 25 supervised mammograms will count as 12.5 hours toward the 40 required leaving 27.5 hours of didactic needed). However, you should check with your particular state to find out if an “M” is required under your state law. Usually having your “M” is a facility, state or reimbursement issue and you will be more likely to obtain a job in mammography if you have taken the ARRT® mammography boards and received your “M”.

Our course serves 2 purposes. First, it meets all the MQSA requirements of what needs to be included in an initial mammography training course, which is: Breast Anatomy, Breast Physiology,Breast Positioning, Compression, Quality Assurance/Quality Control, Imaging of patients with breast implants. Secondly, our course serves as an ARRT®, and California, Mammography Registry Review course. We will cover all of the ARRT® mammography content specifications listed on the ARRT® website that can be asked about on the ARRT®, and/or the state of California, mammography registry exams. The ARRT® mammography registry exam and the State of California mammography exams are both ARRT® exams and both tests pull from the same pool of questions. Below is the link to the ARRT® Content Specifications for the mammography registry exam:

Through June 30, 2020:

Effective July 1, 2020:

The ARRT® rule originally stated you had to be an R.T. for at least one year before you could apply to take the ARRT® mammography registry exam. That rule no longer exists.  Currently, you may enter mammography directly from x-ray school. The current requirements mandate that you have met the standards defined by the MQSA to perform mammography (see answer to the question "how to do I  get started in mammography") and that you perform the mammography clinical experience requirements listed in the ARRT® mammography Certification Handbook.

Although it is recommended that the coursework and the 25 supervised mammograms be completed within a 2 year timeframe, under MQSA, there is no time limit to complete both the coursework and 25 supervised mammograms

You need to follow the law entitled Mammography Quality Standards Act (MQSA) which was passed by Congress in 1992. First, you must be a registered radiologic technologist either through the ARRT®, or have licensure to perform xray through your state, or you have been certified in general radiography by a certification body approved by the FDA. Second, you will need to complete and document 40 hours of training/education specific to mammography under the supervision of a qualified instructor(s). Third, you must perform a minimum of 25 mammographic examinations under the supervision of a quaified mammography technologist. Fourth, you must obtain 8 hours of training in any “New Mammographic Imaging Modality”

With the exception of the State of California, the 25 supervised mammograms can be completed before attending the 40 hour course. For California residents, see the next question and answer for further detail.

Certification Requirements

As a prerequisite for registration, medical radiologic technologists are required to complete continuing education. Current requirements for general medical radiologic technologists are summarized below. If you would like to review the current rule, these requirements are currently listed under the Texas Administrative Code, Title 22, Part 9, Chapter 194, Subchapter A, Rule 194.7(c), adopted to be effective April 3, 2017, located here.

General medical radiologic technologists need to complete a minimum 24 hours of continuing education (CE) every 24 months (24 month timeline goes by the biennial registration period, not the calendar year). No more than 12 hours shall be completed through independent self-study. A permit holder must report during registration if she or he has completed the required CE during the previous two years (biennial registration period).  

At least 12 (of the 24) hours CE shall be attendance and participation in instructor-directed courses that are designated for Category A or A-plus credits of CE evaluated by an organization recognized by ARRT® as a Recognized Continuing Education Evaluation Mechanism (RCEEM) or RCEEM-plus during the biennial renewal period.

Seven-Point Qualification System
An applicant’s eligibility for examination is based on a seven-point system with the categories of experience, formal education and credentials/continuing education. To calculate if you have the seven points and minimum criteria necessary to apply for certification, carefully review the chart below.
Experience + Education + Current Certifications = Qualified
This table outlines the number of points you have earned for your experience, education and current certification and CEs. Note Each category has a maximum and minimum number of points. Also, look into whether:

  • Your current information-technology certification credentials may qualify: Check out the IT Credential list.
  • Your current clinical certification credentials may qualify: Check out the Clinical Credential list.

Candidates must have at least 7 total points AND meet all minimum criteria.

See detailed list on the American Board of Imaging Informatics website: SEVEN-POINT QUALIFICATION SYSTEM click here


To earn a Registered Vascular Technologist (RVT) credential, you must pass the Sonography Principles and Instrumentation (SPI) examination and the VT examination within five years. After passing the SPI examination, you can earn additional credentials without having to retake the SPI examination, provided you maintain active status. You must wait 60 days before you can retake the VT examination if you do not pass it however, you are welcome to reapply after 3 days. For more details, check out the ARDMS website:  

The Registered Musculoskeletal Sonographer™ (RMSKS™) credential raises the standard of musculoskeletal ultrasound practice worldwide and promotes best practices for enhanced patient safety. To earn the RMSKS™ credential, you must pass the Sonography Principles and Instrumentation (SPI) examination and the MSKS examination within five years. A separate musculoskeletal-sonographer examination written by and for sonographers, the RMSKS™ credential is part of a larger initiative to expand and customize the MSK ultrasound assessments within the medical community. For more details, check out the ARDMS website:

The first step of your journey toward excellence and becoming a Certified Imaging Informatics Professional starts with determining that you’re qualified to take the exam. The qualification system is flexible enough to address the various backgrounds of imaging informatics professionals, yet comprehensive enough to ensure that candidates are well rounded.

Seven-Point Qualification System
An applicant’s eligibility for examination is based on a seven-point system that encompasses the categories of experience, formal education and credentials/continuing education. To calculate if you have the seven points and minimum criteria necessary to apply for certification, carefully review the chart below. For more details, check out the American Board of Imaging Informatics website:

Candidates pursuing certification and registration in Breast Sonography must be registered with the ARRT® in Radiography and Mammography, or Sonography (registration with ARDMS is also accepted), and must document completion of 16 hours of structured education and Breast Sonography Clinical Experience Requirements. For more details, check out the ARRT® BS handbook: Clinical experience requirements are outlined as follows: 

Candidates pursuing certification and registration in vascular sonography must be registered with the ARRT® in Radiography, Nuclear Medicine Technology (registration with NMTCB is also accepted), or Radiation Therapy, or Sonography (registration with ARDMS is also accepted). You are also required to document completion of 16 hours of structured education and  Vascular Sonography Clinical Experience Requirements. For more details, check out the ARRT® VS handbook: Clinical experience requirements are outline as follows:

Candidates pursuing post-primary pathway certification and registration in Sonography must be certified and registered with the ARRT® in Radiography, Nuclear Medicine Technology (registration through NMTCB is also accepted), Radiation Therapy, or Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Certification in any sonography-related modality through ARDMS is also accepted. You are also required to document completion of 16 hours of structured education and clinical experience. For more details, check out the ARRT® SON handbook:  Clinical experience requirements are outlined as follows:

To earn a Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer (RDMS) credential with a BR specialty, you must pass the Sonography Principles and Instrumentation (SPI) examination and the BR examination within five years. After passing the SPI examination, you can earn additional credentials without having to retake the SPI examination, provided you maintain active status. You must wait 60 days before you can retake the BR examination if you do not pass it however, you are welcome to reapply after 3 days. For more details, check out the ARDMS website:

Candidates pursuing certification and registration in Vascular-Interventional (VI) radiography must be registered with the ARRT® in Radiography and must document completion of 16 hours of structured education. For more details, check out the ARRT® VI handbook: Clinical experience requirements are outline as follows:

Candidates pursuing certification and registration in cardiac-interventional (CI) radiography must be registered with the ARRT® in Radiography and must document completion 16 hours of structured education. For more details, check out the ARRT® CI handbook: Clinical experience requirements are outline as follows:

Candidates pursuing certification and registration in bone densitometry must be registered with the ARRT® in Radiography, Nuclear Medicine Technology (registration with NMTCB is also accepted), or Radiation Therapy and must document completion of 16 hours of structured education. For more details, check out the ARRT® BD handbook: Clinical experience requirements are outlined as follows:

The ARRT® has announced it has stopped issuing new Quality Management (QM) credentials as of June 30, 2018. 


Candidates pursuing certification and registration in Magnetic Resonance Imaging must be certified and registered with the ARRT® in Radiography, Nuclear Medicine Technology (registration through NMTCB is also accepted), Radiation Therapy, or Sonography (registration through ARDMS is also accepted) and must document completion of MRI clinical experience requirements. As of  January 1, 2016, candidates must also document completion of 16 hours of structured education. For more details, check out the ARRT® MRI handbook: Clinical experience requirements are outline as follows:

Candidates pursuing certification and registration in computed tomography (CT) must be registered with the ARRT® in Radiography, Nuclear Medicine Technology (registration with NMTCB is also accepted), or Radiation Therapy and must document completion of CT Clinical Experience Requirements. As of January 1, 2016, candidates must also document completion of 16 hours of structured education. For more details, check out the ARRT® Computed Tomography handbook: Clinical experience requirements are outline as follows:

Candidates pursuing certification and registration in mammography must be registered with the ARRT® in Radiography and must document completion of the Mammography Clinical Experience Requirements. As of January 1, 2016, candidates must also document completion of 16 hours of structured education. For more details, check out the ARRT® Mammography handbook: Clinical experience requirements are outline as follows:

Candidates pursuing primary pathway certification and registration in Radiography, Nuclear Medicine Technology, Radiation Therapy, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, or Sonography must have earned an academic degree before becoming certified and registered. ARRT® recognizes only accreditation agencies that are recognized by CHEA and/or USDE.


You can sign up on our website email list at the bottom of the page or call MTMI and our helpful customer-service people will gladly assist you. 262-717-9797 or 800-765-6864

Once the verification of attendees arrives in the MTMI business offce, credits will be reported to CAMPEP.

You can access your CAMPEP certificate in your CAMPEP account on the CAMPEP website:

Yes, once the verification of attendees arrives in the MTMI business office, credits will be reported to CAMPEP.


Congratulations!! Send an email to or give us a call and we will happily take care of it for you. 262-717-9797 or 800-765-6864

You can email or call MTMI and we will happily update your information ph: 262-717-9797 or 800-765-6864. If you want to get email notification, scroll down to the bottom of the MTMI website and add your email address in the Join Our Email List section.


Any program you attended in 2016 and after should be listed in your MTMI account. If you don't see a program you attended or you want information about a program before 2016, call MTMI and our helpful customer-service representatives will gladly assist you. 262-717-9797

  • NEW -- Quarterly drawing for a 2 hour webinar
  • Exclusive member only pricing on MTMI programs
  • Periodic member only special offers

On the MTMI home page, scroll down to the footer, click Membership and from there you can renew your membership.

1 year from date of purchase


If you register on-line and pay with a credit card, you will automatically get your confirmation receipt right away by email. If you pay by check, either online or on the phone, you will get an email confirmation receipt when the check is received at MTMI.

Webinars / Simulcasts

You will need to have access to a phone in the event there is a problem and we need to get a hold of you but you don’t need to have a phone to hear the program if your computer has speakers.

No, since it is a live event and not recorded.

Because this educational experience is live and your attendance is monitored, no post-test is necessary, unless you are a Physicist and receiving CAMPEP credit. You will be asked to complete an online survey at the end of each session prior to receiving credit for attendance.

Because this is a live seminar it is impossible to “rewind” the presentation if you miss it. Please plan on attending the entire series of sessions to receive credit.

The ARRT® requires full attendance to receive the approved certificate of completion. You will be able to log in to each session up to 15 minutes prior to the start. We recommend logging in early to avoid missing any of the session.

Each session will begin promptly at the scheduled time. Your confirmation email will include start times for each session and are listed in Central Time. You will be able to log in to the session up to 20 minutes prior to the start. We recommend logging in early to avoid missing any of the session.

Yes. These webinars will provide Category A continuing education credit for radiologic technologists recognized by the ARRT® and various licensure states. A certificate of attendance will be provided for each individual upon completion of the Webinar. All attendees must attend the entire webinar to receive credit.

We can track your attendance by monitoring when you log on and off from each session. At the end of the webinar series your attendance will be verified and your credits will be available to you. You must be in full attendance for every session in order to receive the approved CE credit/certificate.

A certificate will be released within 2-4 business days following the program, providing your attendance is confirmed. An email will come to you letting you know your certificate can be found in your MTMI account under the 'My Certificates' tab. 

Each webinar will have a coordinator. If you have any issues getting into a webinar, please contact MTMI at 262-717-9797 and someone can assist you.

At the bottom of your screen will be a “Question and Chat” box. Simply type your question into the box and send it directly to the speaker. The speaker may answer your question immediately, or the speaker may wait to address your question at a more appropriate time during the presentation.

Joining is easy and just takes a few seconds:

  • Go to and log-in to your MTMI account.
  • View your webinar registration, under MY TRAININGS
  • The join links are located under each webinar title, click on the words, 'Join the Webinar'.


Alternatively, if you have the session ID but don’t have easy access to the direct link:

Go to 

Once there, type or paste the ID provided by the organizer. Click Yes or Always (or Trust on a Mac) if prompted to accept the download. You will enter the session.

Because some PC’s have audio speakers and some don’t. We want everyone to be able to attend and have an excellent audio and visual experience. The call is however, NOT toll free. It could be subject to a change depending on your telephone carrier.

For PC-based participants:

  • Internet Explorer 7.0 or newer, Mozilla Firefox v34 or newer or Google Chrome v34 or newer (JavaScript and Java enabled)
  • Windows 7 - Windows 10
  • Cable modem, DSL, or better Internet connection
  • Dual-core 2.4GHz CPU or faster with 2GB of RAM (recommended)

For Mac-based participants:

  • Mac products require the Free App, go to the Apple store to download
  • Safari 3.0 or newer, Firefox v34 or newer or Google Chrome v34 or newer (JavaScript and Java enabled)
  • Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) – 10.12 (Sierra)
  • Intel processor (1GB of RAM or better recommended)
  • Cable modem, DSL, or better Internet connection

Participants wishing to connect to audio using VoIP will need a fast Internet connection and speakers. 

(You will need a telephone to hear the audio portion of the webinar if your computer does not have audio w/speakers)

For more information about attending a webinar visit: Zoom Support

Get your CE credits quickly and easily at your PC. No need to travel or stay overnight at a hotel. Save money on travel expenses and still be able to experience a live seminar.

On the MTMI webpage, use the dropdown menu under either, TECHNOLOGIST, PHYSICIST or PHYSICAN, and click on ‘View All Webinars’. Choose your webinar. Register for the webinar on that page. If you do not have an MTMI account set up, you can set it up during the registration process. Your webinar will be listed in your MTMI account under ‘MY TRAININGS’. Under the title, date and time of the webinar there is a link titled, ‘Join the Webinar’. Clicking on that link will bring you into the webinar at the designated time. A PDF of the webinar content will be available in the ‘Materials’ column in your account at the time of the webinar. At the end of the webinar session, you will be asked to evaluate your experience online with a short survey. Within 2-4 business days of your completed webinar, a certificate will be released to your account. Once released you will get an email saying it is in your account under the ‘My Certificates’ tab. You will be able to print your certificate from your account. The certificate will remain in your account indefinitely.

A live Webinar allows you to receive CE credits from the comfort of your own PC at work or at home. Because it’s live, no post-test is required and you will have the opportunity to interact with the speaker. Watch the presentation on your PC, listen on your PC speakers or via your phone line, ask the speaker questions via a chat box, then print your CE certificate online, and your credits are complete.

Seminars (Live)

If nursing CE approval is noted on the course or if it is a RCEEM.

The coordinator will verify that a person is in attendance. As long as that person is not more than 15 minutes late, he/she will receive a certificate. Certificates are issued within 2-4 business days of the program. An email notification will be sent when the certificate is in their MTMI account waiting for them.


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