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Nancy Larrivy

Nancy has worked at the Essentia Health East Region Cancer Center since 2007.  She has been a Breast Health Navigator since 2014.  Nancy is an Oncology Certified Nurse and has received her Breast Navigator Certification from the National Consortium of Breast Centers.  She works with breast cancer patients from the time of their diagnosis through survivorship or hospice.  Essentia Health East averages 5 breast cancer diagnosis a week.  Nancy assists patients with understanding their diagnosis, following the patient through their breast cancer journey which may include surgery, plastic surgery,  genetics, physical therapy, medical oncology, IV and/or oral chemotherapy, radiation oncology and other support services.  A breast Cancer diagnosis can be very overwhelming for any patient and having a navigator to help  with their breast cancer journey is instrumental in assisting with the physical, emotional and psychological well of each and every breast cancer patient.

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